Survivors! On May 1!

9:00am until 10:00am

I am so humbled to be interviewed on my book, my story and of my story is in many ways yours. I hope you respond, call in write in to the station letting them know how very important this conversation is. IF we can talk about Child Abuse, Child Rape, we can stop it. It has to begin somewhere! Let it begin with you and with me!

Live Call-In show: Jefferson Public Radio (NPR) Over 1 million listeners! What an Opportunity for SURVIVORS to be heard! Please share even if you are not going! Show the media that you do care about Child Abuse Issues by sharing and inviting you friends!

To listen on your Media device, Follow the link and on the left side Click on Listen live…. May 1, 9AM Pacific Time Geoffrey Riley Host/Producer Interview w/ Annie O’Sullivan, Author, Can you Hear Me Now?

or…. on your radio:

KSJK AM 1230
Grants Pass
KRVM AM 1280
KSYC AM 1490
Mt. Shasta
KPMO AM 1300
KJPR AM 1330

I will be speaking in Eureka Calif With Shattering the Silence Tour! Hope to see you there

book cover (2)

Acquatic Center, 921 Waterfront Drive, Eureka, CA (Room 203)

Annie O’Sullivan, Author, Speaker, BlogTalk host, Can You Hear Me Now is coming home to talk
Kelly Behr, Mountain Goddess Unplugged
Rebecca Kimbel/Author/Speaker/T.V. and Radio Host
Connie Lee/]

FACSA Foundation (Family and Friends Fighting Against Child Sexual Assault) is hosting the Shattering The Silence Tour and Documentary Project filming a documentary on survivors stories from across the nation, conducting research on how child sexual assault is affecting our local communities, and hosting free public education prevention conferences across the nation, on prevention of child sexual assault and human trafficking. Please Share this link, We would like to reach as many people as possible. Thank you!

Thank you!

I was profoundly reminded this weekend of the importance of sharing your story, trials, efforts, wins and even those inevitable steps backwards in your healing journey… there are adults who suffer, who will listen to you and drink in your words like water in the desert. They need to know there is a way and that they too can find peace. They need to know they are not alone. Telling your story encourages others. Its a hand out through the fire to help them cross to safety. They are starved for information they don’t know they need and they don’t know how to ask for. They need you. Its a profound honor to have this page and all of you here working toward that end. XOXO Annie


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I often time will talk with someone online that is is crisis while holding onto hope that they will get in to see a professional before doing something terribly destructive to themselves.

I was recently speaking with a woman who spent the evening before contemplating driving her vehicle off a bridge into the ocean. I ask why? Because there is too much pain! and she cries.

Her family is in denial that a relative could possibly have done what she accused him of. She has physical, deforming damage that a doctor has verified and still they call her a terrible terrible person and a liar.

The same woman has a boyfriend who has beaten her for the last three years. I ask, Why do you stay? She says, Because it is all I deserve, no one else loves me.

No one loves me.
I don’t deserve it.
I hate my life.
Everyone is mad at me.
I’m Stupid, clumsey, fat, ugly, too skinny, too________ fill in the adjective here with any negative you can come up with and a survivor has thought it.

It is the child’s thoughts that are bubbling to the surface not the adults and it is outrageously confusing. All those feelings and thoughts are causing the pain to return from the past. It isn’t based in life today, but we can’t separate it without some help.

I was reminded of the most important 4 words my counselor gave me to work these emotions out. WHERE IS THE PROOF?

Ahhhh gotcha didn’t I? The question is not where is the proof of your accusation, you know what happened to you!

The question is, Where is the proof that you are stupid? Where is the proof that you are undeserving? Where is the proof that no one loves you? is mad at you? etc…

There is no proof of any of those things… You are not alone and there is proof of that as well. ~~ Annie

BlogTalk! Butterfly Dreams Abuse Recovery W Annie O’Sullivan and Kelly Behr


Butterfly Dreams Abuse Recovery, Blog Talk Radio (follow the hot link)
6 PM Pacific/Aizona Time, Annie, Kelly and CALLERS have a conversation on getting HEALTHY! Spring is upon us. Shake your depression and feel good, Jess Howland, SMASH FITNESS is going to discuss the importance of nutrition and exercise to feel good. Come learn a trick or two to move you into a healthy future!


Author/Speaker/Survivor Annie O’Sullivan author of her own story in the novel, ‘Can You Hear Me Now” and her co-host Kelly Behr Head Goddess at Mountain Goddess Unplugged bring you honest upbeat conversations