This Thursday on BlogTalk – Meet & Welcome Connie Lee

Show link: click on the link or copy and past to your browser


The FACSA is changing the social stigma of child sexual assault, public policies, conducting current research of community needs , educating communities on prevention and education of child sexual assault and human trafficking, by hosting free conferences with local advocates; filming a documentary on survivors, the latest healing therapies, and most effective counseling techniques, for people to thrive, rather than merely survive.

The (Family and Friends Fighting Against Child Sexual Assault) is an all volunteer staff, with a 501 (C) 3 status. We are traveling across the U.S. and Cananda, on a 115 city Shattering The Silence Tour and Documentary Project. to shatter the silence of child sexual assault, saying, “Enough Is Enough, We Will Not Be Silent Any Longer!”

If you would like to get involved with contact  Connie Lee/FACSA Foundation/Founder/President

318.540.4464 /  /

Faulty Program? Re-write it

Why aren’t we living our dreams?  Programming!  Yes I believe it is our programming as children that holds us back or pushes us forward and molds us in directions that were never really intended by the universe.  We can get twisted and frustrated away from the direction we want to go because of faulty programming.

We can change that! Just like your computer you can re-write your own program.  Your life choices are often an expression of your level of awareness.  Awareness = Programming in this conversation.  Your awareness (programming) is blocked by old thought processes.   Whatever you want to improve, you must change your programming which blocks you. This can apply to anything you want.

Once you are aware, you can change.  It might involve getting up – falling down and getting up again. This is part of learning.  This is part of moving forward.  It’s worth it.  You can do it.

How? you ask.   READ, Talk, Discuss life with those you trust and respect.  Join a group.  Start a group.  Question yourself and instead of declaring why you can’t ask ‘Why not?”

Never say, “I can’t do that!”  Instead say, “How can I do that?”




I can smile now because I’m past it.  I can now find the humor in my perceived failures.  Is if failure? Really?  If you are moving forward I don’t think so.  No….    To call it failure would be like saying I failed to get to my destination on a road trip just because I hit a few traffic stops.

I can smile now….   because I’m here, right here.


Making a difference is simply showing up.  Power is not meant to be measured in dollars, fame or numbers. Power is in your actions from your heart to anothers.  Small steps can make a very big difference and you will find as you help others, you help yourself.


I’m so excited to have the show back up tonight. Its been 7 months and the day is finally here! Call in or listen in. 6:30 PM Pacific Time (Oregon) New co-host-Connie Lee founder of Shattering the Silence, New guest-Jo Edens and New Music from Anthony Mossburg! Life is good and we want to share.

Follow this link!

One of my projects this year

I believe with all my heart that literally millions of people in the US alone feel isolated in the pain of child abuse.   Child abuse is such a mild word.  If you flip it around to something done to an adult it is assault, battery and rape.  My own abuse has moved me and many many others to action.  Special thanks to Rebecca Kimbel in Northern California for her dedication to leaving the world a better place than she found it in and for helping me to do the same.
click on the link or copy and paste into your address bar.

Sept 25 630 PST Jo Edens is our Guest on BlogTalk

Jo Edens

Jo Edens is a wife, mom and grandmother who tells it like it was to be an abused child, yesterday and today.  Phone lines will be open and the chat room will be up! The Show is live!  It’s good to be back!

follow the link and check out the new show….  so much to talk about and so little time!