Broken Angels by Mia Mckinney OUR Guest Writer for Thursday, June 27, 2013

Mia has written for my blog before.  She has much to say and is such a giving soul.  I hope you enjoy this~~ Annie


Broken angels sing a tear lullaby from the ashes,
God teaches one more to fly.
This world isn’t kind,
Struggles for some reason we try to hide.
We are put on this earth for each other,
Yet our time here is spent trying to separate.
Broken angels sing a tear lullaby from the ashes,
God teaches one more to fly.
With patched up wounds and fallen dreams along the way,
Lost loves and too many goodbyes,
Not that different you and I.
Broken angels sing a tear lullaby from the ashes.
God teaches one more to fly.
Too much time spent in the judgment chambers,
We never really learn the meaning of true love.
Often we dismiss the Book,
Which explains the how and why.
Broken angels sing a tear lullaby from the ashes,
God teaches one more to fly.
Pieces of our lives blow in the wind,
Our purpose is to teach souls on the path.

Windows of time to get it right,
Some get more than others.
In the end-
It’s all the same,
Why can’t we see?
Broken angels sing a tear lullaby from the ashes,
God teaches one more to fly by.
Written by: Malisia McKinney
Edited: Debra DeLash

!!~~FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY~~!! CW Seymore Author Shards of Glass

follow the link To listen in or call in to speak with Annie Kelly or CW! Live CAllin Number is 714 816 4679


I know it is not their responsibility to change us, but it is their responsibility to understand us! Especially if they love and care and want us in their lives! We are not perfect people, nobody is! It is OUR responsibility to get help, learn our behaviors, to change the negative and to strive to move out of our pasts, into our present, moving towards our FUTURE! ~~ CW Seymore

FRIDAY !! Shards of Glass, Author, CW SEYMORE 6PM PACIFIC, on Blogtalk Internet Radio

follow the link To listen in or call in to speak with Annie Kelly or CW! Live!


I know it is not their responsibility to change us, but it is their responsibility to understand us! Especially if they love and care and want us in their lives! We are not perfect people, nobody is! It is OUR responsibility to get help, learn our behaviors, to change the negative and to strive to move out of our pasts, into our present, moving towards our FUTURE! ~~ CW Seymore

Blog Talk: Why is it important to listen to our show? Let me talk about it with you in the ARCHIVES!!

Curious!? This is a one-time, single event show to discuss why what we are doing is so important to survivors of abuse and those who love and care about them. What do we talk about? Come hear how two girls talk about the unspeakable and let you walk away knowing its all OK to talk about! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! WE have had writers, publishers, work out experts, diet experts, Relationship experts and many other advocates who are working to change the world into a better place in however small or large way they can!

Annie O’Sullivan and Kelly Behr have candid conversations concerning the past and much more importantly the future. Our guest have walked your road and come out the other side.


Your Hosts:

Annie O’Sullivan, Author/Writer/Speaker, Can You Hear Me Now? (Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble online)

Kelly Behr, Motivational Speaker and Head Goddess at


I hear so often from survivors, and I was once guilty myself, “I am not who I am supposed to be!” Who do you think that was? Whats wrong with who you are now?

I myself was brought up short with that question when I was lamenting to a counselor, “Look at my life! It’s ruined!”

Who were you supposed to be except happy, able to love and be loved and at peace? You have always been that person. You just got a little lost on the trail because of lies and deceit. Get up, get back on the road with your new map and move forward.

Just be yourself, embrace all the parts of yourself. Sit quietly this morning for just a minute and tell yourself, your inner child, “Your abuser is a criminal who lied to you. You are loved and you can be at peace.”



Come get some great advice as we go into summer! Exercise and mental health go hand in hand. You don’t hear about it too much. Get moving and get happier! Its true. This weeks discussion is on simple things you can do to get moving to a new attitude for summer.

Host Annie O’Sullivan, Author Can You Hear me Now available at amazon and Co-Host Kelly Behr, Happiness Coach

Breaking the cycle of ABUSE? YES!

How’s your morning going? Some of you are actually getting ready for bed! Crazy all the connections made on the internet! My kids and grand kids are with me this week. I’ve been thinking this morning about the cycle of abuse and how important it is to stop it with you. I was blessed with incredibly good counselors and as I struggled and lurched down thru the journey to healing I was often told, “You are an enigma! We don’t know how you have held yourself together this long!” I had small children when I went into therapy for the first time and my past life was beginning to show the wear and tear on me, and on them as I unraveled.

Later I was told,”This pain, this cycle of abuse, will stop with you.” IT did! IF my life is a testimony of getting thru childhood abuse, then my children and especially my grandchildren are a testimony of success.

My 7 year old granddaughter was strong enough to tell a couple of classmates, one of them her BFF, not to be mean to another little girl they were essentially bullying. So then they sided up and began to pick on her too! There were some words exchanged and my Isabelle, strong in her convictions and confident in right and wrong, walked over and took the other girls hand and sai, “Come on.” She reported it to the office and was this quiet little girls advocate! When she got home, she told her mother (my daughter who raised this marvelous little creature) Take Mary’s (Not her real name) phone number out of our book. I can’t be friends with her! I was so proud of her.

Strong kids moving through their young lives can begin making a difference if they are given the tools. Think of this! Stop the cycle as soon as you can. Put those tools into their hands to become strong adults who have clear lines of the boundaries f right and wrong. Show them how to be strong, not how to be victims.

I can hear them waking up! Time to go hug grand babies! Have a marvelous Saturday, Check out the show if you have a minute or two. Rebecca Kimbel is terrific! I will check in later. ❤ ❤ ❤