
T.S. Elliot wrote:

What we call the beginning is often the end,

And to make an end is a new beginning. 

We shall not cease from exploring,

and at the end of our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

Healing is like this quartlet. 

We are in pain and we cry for it to end. 

While looking at that pain we stand at a crossroad and begin over and over in so many ways to create a new life, to seek peace and self acceptance.

We search inside ourselves, exploring our pain, guilt and faulty thinking feeling as if this dirty secret is ours and somehow our fault.  We keep looking for the person we think we ‘should’ have been.  We must go back to our childhoods and recognize this is only where we came from, it is not who we are.  We simply picked up the wrong baggage and got a late start. Our beginning was not destined to be here.

Take a step back.  See where you came from and who YOU are. Ask yourself this question.  If your friend came and told you a story that was identical to yours, would you care for them less?  Call them a liar?  NO!  You would empathize, tlak and try to get them what they need.  You would listen. 

Listen to your own voice and be as kind to yourself as you would that friend or even a stranger.  Go back, and when YOU arrive at your beginning… you will indeed know the place and yourself.  You will see this was not your beginning at all.  You will one day see it for what it was and recognize that this is not who you are. Be happy and find peace.  You deserve it.  Namaste’   Annie




T.S. Elliot wrote:

What we call the beginning is often the end,

And to make an end is a new beginning. 

We shall not cease from exploring,

and at the end of our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

Healing is like this quartlet. 

We are in pain and we cry for it to end. 

While looking at that pain we stand at a crossroad and begin over and over in so many ways to create a new life, to seek peace and self acceptance.

We search inside ourselves, exploring our pain, guilt and faulty thinking feeling as if this dirty secret is ours and somehow our fault.  We keep looking for the person we think we ‘should’ have been.  We must go back to our childhoods and recognize this is only where we came from, it is not who we are.  We simply picked up the wrong baggage and got a late start. Our beginning was not destined to be here.

Take a step back.  See where you came from and who YOU are. Ask yourself this question.  If your friend came and told you a story that was identical to yours, would you care for them less?  Call them a liar?  NO!  You would empathize, tlak and try to get them what they need.  You would listen. 

Listen to your own voice and be as kind to yourself as you would that friend or even a stranger.  Go back, and when YOU arrive at your beginning… you will indeed know the place and yourself.  You will see this was not your beginning at all.  You will one day see it for what it was and recognize that this is not who you are. Be happy and find peace.  You deserve it.  Namaste’   Annie



I Offer You…

I cannot take away what you may have suffered in life. I am helpless in that. I can offer love for another human who is suffering. I can offer understanding, compassion, my heart, my faith and sometimes my tears. Most importantly, I can give you a place to share your thoughts and stories, triumphs and what you surely see as failures. Healing, that arduous journey we embark on often feels like one step forward, three steps back. I assure you my friend, if you are looking forward and doing the work peace and a stillness in your heart that you likely have never felt, will find you.

Just asking

If an adult is sexually assaulted… It happens once (most of the time) it is called a sex crime and it is!  It’s called RAPE and its called a tradgedy and it is.  That individual’s life is expected to be forever altered and it is. Everyone is outraged and wants justice

If a child is sexually assaulted…  It happens repeatedly usually over years,  it is called abuse.  It is a SEX Crime.  It is RAPE! It is a tradgedy.  That life will be forever altered.  Everyone wants to look away.  Justice is whatever you can scrapoe up for yourself and they (we)are told to get over it.

Maybe if we start calling it what it really is, people will get it and do somethingto stop it?

Sounds pretty ugly when you say, “She/he was only five when her daddy raped her.  She needs to get over it.  Its over.  Move on!”

Why is a child supposed to be more understanding than any adult this has happened to?


Helloooooo! I’m finally here!

Happy Fourth of July Independence Day!  

Hoping there is some significance for me that I could finally get back on here on this important date in outhe history of my country!

I have endured the total and deadly crash of my trusted old lap top.  Finally got a new one.  It had some sort of problem.  Had to return it.  Now on the third version !!!  Looks good so far.  How much bad luck can I get with the electronics!  (Yes I am knocking on wood right now)

I haven’t painted anything for a couple of years.  Picked the brushes back up this week.  It felt good.  My paintings are much happier these days….   Yours will be too


So its back to work here posting sharing and discussing life beyond our past abuse.  I hope you share with your friends.  i hope you comment and share.  HUGS, Annie!